Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ear Candy for Mother Earth

Here's a beautiful song written by Moana Maniapoto, a Maori woman.  It is "a song of solidarity to the Maui dolphins, very much an endangered species in NZ waters.  The dolphin will go the same way at the now extinct Totoroi (native quail)."

She's singing in Te Reo,  the Maori language.  I recognized the word rangatira.  Like te ao Maori (the Maori worldviews), there is a lot of intersection between words and concepts.  Rangatira, as I understand it, conveys the meaning of chieftanship. Within that there are ideas of family, the relationship and obligations between humans with nature, power (mana), and untouchable sacredness (tapu).

With all that being said, give it a listen; in true form, the sounds convey it best.

Love your mother earth, treat her kindly, and enjoy the beautiful music:

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